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" You Do Not Have Necessary Permisions To Use "

You do not have necessary permisions to use the . object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you. Setelah install Krishand Payroll, dan di-double klik, muncul pesan tersebut, mohon petunjuk.




Untuk membuka Krishand Payroll harus melalui shortcut, jangan klik dua kali langsung pada Pay97_402.mde ataupun Paydatxxxx.mdb ( xxxx = tahun data ).

Jika Anda meng-instal Krishand Payroll dari :

  • CD Installer, shortcut Krishand Payroll bisa ditemukan d Start - All Program - Krishand Payroll
  • hasil download, shortcut Krishand Payroll ditemukan di folder c:\krishand\payroll\402.  


Custom Fields
  • Software: PPh21, Payroll, General Ledger, PPN, Invoicing, Witholding, Inventory, Fixed Asset, Lainnya
  • versi: Semua Versi
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